Store filler ideas that do not promote excessive consumption-a green planet

2021-12-14 10:08:27 By : Mr. Carter Huang

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When you imagine a child’s Christmas stocking, what do you think of? Lots of shiny plastic trinkets? Maybe some candy canes? Maybe you can play some small games while waiting for others to open the gift? 

Holidays are time for celebration, wealth and family, but they have become overconsumption and wasted time. No one wants to give up the stockings they filled on Christmas Eve, which is why we have compiled a list of stocking ideas that can maintain the Christmas spirit without harming the planet. advertise

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Food is a good stocking filler. It can gobble it up on Christmas morning instead of sitting in a cupboard for months without moving. We think you should choose vegan and edible stocking fillers, such as dairy-free chocolate or gelatin-free gummies. Think about the favorite food of the stocking owner. Who cares if it doesn't sound very festive? If curry powder and soy hot dogs make that person happy, buy them! 

Experience is the best gift. Printing or drawing cute event coupons is a great way to add vitality to stockings without being full of items. Simple gestures like going out for coffee or driving to their favorite mountain for hiking can go a long way. It shows that the sock filler (Santa Claus?) cares about the sock owner and wants to spend time doing something special for them. 

It is fun to be creative at any time of the year! This is a particularly good idea for children who always need something to doodle. A set of watercolors or colored pencils is affordable and compact, and encourages children to stay away from physical objects and digital screens. advertise

You can also include a small paper pad for them to take with them when they travel. If the mat is made of recycled paper, you can add points! 

This idea applies to Christmas lovers of all ages. Putting smaller books in stockings is a personal and educational way to celebrate Christmas. For young children, you can choose interesting story books. Adults might like a paperback novel or a Sudoku or crossword book. advertise

This is a great opportunity to show how well you know the sock owner. After all, books can be a very personal gift to someone. Find the right literary work for everyone, and watch their sleepy eyes light up when they take out the books from the stockings on Christmas morning. Have fun!

We strongly recommend avoiding Christmas-specific items for storing fillings. Seasonal trinkets like mini Santa Claus and Christmas tree decorations sound good, but they can’t enjoy it for a long time. advertise

Instead, choose items that can be used throughout the year, not just the week or so after Christmas. 

Christmas shopping should be fun! Giving is as rewarding as receiving, so enjoy finding caring ways to show your loved ones that you care about them. In the final analysis, the connections we have established with each other are far more valuable than the items we provide. Therefore, be creative, have personality, enjoy the holidays, do not cause a lot of waste, and do not cultivate a culture of excessive consumption. 

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